5 essential Warhammer painting tips everyone should learn

5 essential Warhammer painting tips everyone should learn

Whether you prefer the fantastical lands of Age of Sigmar or the grim dark future of Warhammer 40k, there’s one thing that all hobbyists can agree on: there’s nothing quite like a well-painted model. Indeed, many of us fell under the siren song of Games Workshop as kids, lured into hobby stores by the pristinely painted miniatures in the shop window (or at least that’s how I got into it). Even those who prefer the sound of rattling dice to the sound of a rattle can would admit it’s much more satisfying to march your legions against an opponent who’s bothered to get some paint on his toy soldiers over battling a tide of never-ending grey. 

The problem, of course, is that painting such small soldiers can be rather intimidating, even for those who’ve been in the hobby for years. Well, whether you’re an aspiring Golden Demon winner who’s just learning which end of the brush holds the paint or an older hobbyist looking to get back into the game, you’re in the right place. We’ve put together a list of five handy tips for painting Warhammer that every hobbyist should know before dipping their brush in a paint pot. 

1.  Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

A cutting mat with various tools laid out on it, wit a model sprue in the center of it

(Image credit: Tom Percival)
  • Gather everything you need before painting
  • Get clippers, a mold-line remover, file, and cutting mat
  • Green Stuff two-part putty is always handy for fixing gaps

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