Best Chest Training Tips for Muscle Growth

Best Chest Training Tips for Muscle Growth

It is time you should be working correctly on your chest. Check out these best chest training tips for muscle growth from Jeff Nippard.

Jeff Nippard is a natural professional bodybuilder and fitness coach who shares tips and training programs on his YouTube channel. This latest video is about his best chest training tips and you can learn a thing or two from him.

Check it out.

Best Chest Training Tips

In this video talking about his best chest training tips, Nippard walks through his chest workout on a push, pull, leg split program.

He goes about his lifting shoes, with elevated heels so it’s better for his bench press, and how wearing a lifting belt is also good for bench presses. The bodybuilder also wears lifting wraps around his wrists when he goes to lift heavier barbells so that he prevents losing momentum force.

Related: How To Bench Press for Chest Growth (2 Quick Fixes for Faster Gains)

Man bench pressingSource: Michael DeMoya on Unsplash

When doing any kind of dumbbell activity with a bench, you should also keep the bench as close to the dumbbells as possible so you don’t waste time or energy going back and forth to pick up a new pair of dumbbells.

Dips can be very good at targeting your lower chest and that is why it is included in these best chest training tips. Nippard says he likes to change the handles for one inside and one outside on the dip machine and keep your arms at about a 45-degree angle from your body when lowering yourself.

Best Chest Training TipsSource: John Fornander on Unsplash

Nippard also talks about how he trains with lateral raises using progressive overload and skull crushers. If you’re interested, this is what his push workout looks like:

  • 3 x 4 Barbell Bench Press (85% 1RM)
  • 3 x 8-10 Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • 3 x 6-10 Weighted Dips
  • 3 x 12-15 Low to High Cable Fly
  • 3 x 15 Dumbbell Lateral Raises
  • 3 x 15 Dumbbell Isolateral Skull Crushes
  • 3 x 8 Decline Medicine Ball Crunch Throw

And that is Nippard’s best chest training tips. If you want to see his full explanation, click on the video below.

VIDEO – Best Chest Training Tips

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Muscles of the chest

Now that you’ve seen the best chest training tips from Nippard, learning more about the anatomy of the chest can help you even further when working out.

The muscles of the chest are attached to the ribs and help you with breathing

The muscles of the chest are attached to the ribs and help you with breathing. They also support your organs, which means they’re important for posture, too.

When you breathe in, your diaphragm contracts and moves downward. This makes room in your chest cavity for air to fill it, so that when you breathe out all that air is squeezed out of your lungs through tiny tubes (called bronchi) that lead into each lung chamber (where oxygen attaches to red blood cells).

The muscles between the ribs that run horizontally are called the intercostal muscles

The muscles between the ribs that run horizontally are called the intercostal muscles. They are small, flat muscles that connect to either side of a spine and help move it up and down.

There are two types of intercostal muscles, external and internal

  • There are two types of intercostal muscles, external and internal.
  • The interior or internal intercostals (also called “true intercostals”) run between the ribs themselves, while the exterior or external intercostals (also called “false” or “superficial” intercostals) run between the sternum and cartilages of ribs above it.

The external intercostals pull the ribs up and out during inspiration

The external intercostals, which are located between the ribs and attached to their inner surfaces, contract during inspiration. They pull the ribs up and out during inspiration.

The internal intercostals assist in expiration by pulling the ribs down and in

The internal intercostals assist in expiration by pulling the ribs down and in.

The external intercostals have a different function; they pull the ribs up and out, assisting in inspiration. The internal intercostal muscles are smaller than their external counterparts, but they can contract with greater force.

This gives them an edge when it comes to keeping your lungs open during heavy breathing or strenuous exercise.

The muscle found directly beneath your breasts is called the pectoralis major

The pectoralis major is a large muscle in your chest, connecting the upper arm to your breastbone. Its main function is to flex and adduct your arm toward the centre of your body.

It also helps you move your arms from side-to-side and rotate them inward, which is why it’s also called the chest muscle.

The pectoralis major has two parts: a superficial part that covers most of its surface area (called “pectoral”) and a deeper inner part (“major”).

Each part has its own nerve supply, but they are separated by other muscles that can be damaged during an injury or surgery without any effect on either one individually—so don’t worry!

This muscle connects your chest to your upper arm, flexing, adducting and rotating your arm at your shoulder joint

The pectoralis major is a broad, flat muscle that extends from your upper arm to your breastbone. Its function is to flex, adduct and rotate the arm at the shoulder joint.

External obliques can flex and rotate your spine and help support your lower back

The external obliques help to flex and rotate your spine, as well as support your lower back. They’re located on the side of the body, so if you want to feel them, just stand sideways in front of a mirror.

You can see that they’re located under the abdominal muscles and act like a corset — they give shape to your waistline!

The serratus anterior muscle helps with shoulder movements and is located behind the chest wall between ribs 1-6 in this area. The serratus anterior is responsible for raising your arm above shoulder level (as seen when doing push ups).

Your chest has a number of different muscles that all work together to move, support and protect you with every breath you take.

Your chest has a number of different muscles that all work together to move, support and protect you with every breath you take.

The intercostals muscles are located between your ribs, as their name suggests. They’re involved in breathing.

The pectoralis major is the large muscle on each side of your chest; it’s responsible for moving your arms forward and backward.

The pectoralis minor is another small muscle under the pectoralis major; it helps stabilize the shoulder joint when you lift something heavy or perform exercises like push-ups or pull-ups (which focus on these two muscles).

Finally, there are several other small muscles within your rib cage that help provide stability as well as assist with breathing by expanding and contracting during inhalation/exhalation respectively

References – Best Chest Training Tips

1. Research indicates that doing bench presses through a full ROM leads to more strength gains compared to not locking out your elbows on the top.

2. If you’re new to the gym, research indicates that you only have to train each muscle once per week for optimal gains.

3. Once you’ve passed the beginner stage, however, which means you can no longer increase resistance every workout, you’ll need a higher frequency to maximize gains, as shown by a 2016 systematic review and meta-analysis.

4. “The current body of evidence indicates that frequencies of training twice a week promote superior hypertrophic outcomes to once a week.”

5. What’s more, another analysis found much better muscle and strength gains with each extra workout per muscle per week, even when total training volume was similar between groups.

6. This 2016 paper published in the Internal Journal of Sports Medicine. “a constant-rep resistance training (RT) routine (CONSTANT) that trained using 8-12 RM per set, or a varied-rep RT routine (VARIED) that trained with 2-4 RM per set on Day 1, 8-12 RM per set on Day 2, and 20-30 RM on Day 3 for 8 weeks.” “Effect sizes favored VARIED over CONSTANT condition for elbow flexor thickness (0.72 vs. 0.57), elbow extensor thickness (0.77 vs. 0.48), maximal bench press strength (0.80 vs. 0.57), and upper body muscle endurance (1.91 vs. 1.28).”

7. Data indicates that you need a variety of rep ranges to maximize growth in all types of muscle fibers.

8. A 2021 study by Rodriguez-Ridao and his colleagues looked at the effects of five different bench press angles on muscle activation (0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, and 60°). “An inclination of 30° produces greater activation of the upper portion of the pectoralis major. Inclinations greater than 45° produce significantly higher activation of the anterior deltoid and decrease the muscular performance of the pectoralis major.”

9. One study found that the dumbbell bench press leads to higher chest activation.

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