Analysis of female pre-clinical students’ readiness, academic performance and satisfaction in online learning: an assessment of quality for curriculum revision and future implementation | BMC Medical Education

Analysis of female pre-clinical students’ readiness, academic performance and satisfaction in online learning: an assessment of quality for curriculum revision and future implementation | BMC Medical Education
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    New Polymer Membrane Tech Improves Carbon Capture Performance

    New Polymer Membrane Tech Improves Carbon Capture Performance
    Energy Power Plant

    New membrane technologies has been formulated that permits for more effective elimination of carbon dioxide from mixed gases, this kind of as emissions from electricity vegetation.

    Scientists have formulated a new membrane engineering that makes it possible for for much more efficient removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from blended gases, these kinds of as electricity plant emissions.

    “To display the ability of our new membranes, we seemed at mixtures of CO2 and nitrogen, mainly because CO2/nitrogen dioxide mixtures are significantly relevant in the context of decreasing greenhouse gasoline emissions from electricity crops,” claims Loaded Spontak, co-corresponding author of a paper on the study. “And we’ve shown that we can vastly make improvements to the selectivity of membranes to remove CO2 whilst retaining comparatively significant CO2 permeability.”

    “We also appeared at mixtures of CO2 and methane, which is critical to the all-natural fuel field,” claims Spontak, who is a Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Professor of Materials Science & Engineering at Read More